Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fasting and Praying 27/40

Day Twenty-Seven: Lord God, of Israel you are my lawyer and defender, just like David you have freed me from the power of my enemies. Lord God, your faith goes beyond what I can see…I give you all the credit for my past and future victories and successes. Almighty God, you have helped me through all my trials and tribulations…”I put on your heavy armor and weaponry; and I take back everything that the devil has stolen from me.”I am fighting my battles with your Glory just like David he was a “mighty”—giant killer, a history maker, and a world changer. David was not influenced by what he saw, he focused on what he believed and; that was your power God…Glory Hallelujah! I Love You Lord.

Satan, you have taken your last dime from me, you tried to take my children, and my soul ; “I Command you to give everything that you have taken from me back in...’Jesus name’! I am covered with Jesus precious blood.” Satan you have come this far but no further I cancel your—assignment in Jesus name. Lord God, “you said that I am your chosen child with a backbone like a saw log—therefore Satan has been cast back to hell where he belongs; he no longer has jurisdiction over my life. David was a “nobody;” tending sheep he was over looked by his peers and man; Lord God, you made him a mighty warrior amongst men. Everlasting Father, you did it…for David I know you can do it for me. “Glory to God, I am blessed.”

 Almighty God, I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. I am blessed and not cursed. I have greatness inside of me. I can do all things with God on my side because; the giant is nothing compared to you Lord all power is in your hands. I pick up the same five stones: I pick up power, grace, mercy, favor and Jesus. I am a “Giant Killer!” Hallelujah praise God. I am a king’s child. A royal priesthood and a holy nation—I am a Queen in God’s Army. “Praise God I got the victory!”…In Jesus name I pray Amen.


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