Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fasting and Praying 38/40

Day Thirty-Eight: Lord God, I am walking in your amazing light—“I can fill your glory on my face.” The scriptures are a light to my path. God, of all things your word’s says in (1 John 1:5); that “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” O Most Exalted One, “I will continue on a daily basis—wrapping myself in your light.” I’m walking in the presence of the Holy Spirit; because of my fellowship—with you Creator of Growth. "I am cleansed of all sin over and over." 2 Corinthians 13:4; says “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the fellowship—of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” I lift my curtains to you Lord—indeed “you are worthy to be praised; all power is in your hands. Almighty God, you are my beacon of light—you are a gracious! Father you are so amazing! ”I just cannot get enough of your wonderful amazing love; I love you Lord." Thank you for paving my way—"I will not comprise you Lord God Almighty, for I am born, breaded and breeded by the Gospel of Jesus Christ"... for there is power in your name Jesus'. My loyalty is with you Lord God my solid amazing rock. Attainer of All, “I believe in the light—I have faith in the light—I hold to and rely on the light making me become a son of the light (John 12:36).” Glory! To God! Hallelujah!

 “ O Mighty One,your Glory is my guard…I enter your throne room—I put on your light and... now I will walk in it.” You are the Glory of my strength Lord God! “You are my Fountain of life and I love You Lord.”The power of life and death is in the tongue Hallelujah! Praise! God! I cannot be manipulated, intimated, hindered are lead to the dark side—Lord God you are Commander and Chief over my life…I am so glad you favored me. “Lord you are the Controller of my mind, body and soul; the center of my Joy and I love you Lord.” My Bright morning star, you live inside of me—“you are who you say you are and no one comes to the Father except by you”, ‘I thank you Lord! "you are my healer, deliver, and a strong tower." Bread of Heaven, “I will not subject myself to unrighteousness—you rule and reign from inside of me… “You are my mighty rock— my armor of light is on— protect me God, you are my defender—you are my light and salvation thank you Jesus. I believe! Amen!



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