Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fasting and Praying 34/40

Day Thirty-Four: Lord God, you know all and you see all—“you are worthy of all my praises; I am purified by the blood of Jesus…”from all my sins.” Yahweh, help me too “stand as strong and...faithfulful as Abraham stood—help me to see…what I cannot see Gracious Father.” All my thoughts, hopes and dreams belong to you Lord. Almighty Father, “I ask that you give me the strength to push forward…on today Lord.” I know whatever obstacles come my way—“you are with me.” Eternal Father, “you know all of my strengths and weaknesses—through your stripes I am healed.” Lord God, please help me understand my authority—as a believer. My Heavenly Father, if I can make a difference in some one’s life—I pray that you help me to help others. I pray that my faith does not fail you…”I pray Lord, that I remain strong and undefeated by Satan’s temptations. Matthew 26:41 says “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

God Almighty, “your sovereignty is over Satan always.” In Jesus Name’ “I pray that you will strengthen my heart to defeat Satan when he attempts to test me.”  I know that he comes to kill, steal and destroy...but “I am a winner through Christ Jesus—nothing by any means shall hurt me.” Father God, thank you for strengthening Jesus in his time of need and sorrow. Thank you, “for allowing him to sacrifice his life for my sins—so that I may be with you in Heaven”. Lord God Almighty, “I ask that you let me embrace your will as Jesus did.” “I worship your Holy name!” “I give you all honor and praises in Jesus’ Name. Amen…  

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