Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fasting and Praying 33/40

Day Thirty-Three: “Yahweh My Banner”: You are Jehovah Nissi , “the Lord of war” with your grace, mercy and strength—I can fight against the wiles of the Amaleks of this world. Lord God, “you are my banner and my victory...winning all my battles.” I thank you Lord for “filling me with the Holy Spirit over and over.” I am so thankful, that I live under your grace and not the law—all my enemies are defeated. I am so thankful Lord God that my battle is over—I replace my enemy’s Flag with my own…setting it high for all to see, and know that you are my God whom has secured my victory. Yahweh, “you said remember my child that you have an eternity of trouble-free living awaiting you in heaven; fret not to evil doer for soon their paths will be cut off. “

I praise your name “Adonai” for indeed you are worthy to be praised” Isaiah 40:31 “says but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strengths;…they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;…they shall walk and not faint. God, “you are king of kings and Lord of Lords. Gracious Father, “I am so thankful that you have written my name in the Lambs book of Life; indeed you are my hope for tomorrow.” Here I am I belong to you, Heavenly Father. I thank you and praise you right now in Jesus’ name Amen.

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