Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The End of 40 days Fasting and Praying

Lord God, thank you for the best forty days well spent for—indeed...” I have been blessed!” You have blessed my soul richly and, I love you Lord! “I am your runner for Christ and greatness lives inside of me.” Your medicine that you’ve prescribed—has healed my inward man. It is my hope that I have prayed a pray within my fasting that will help others as well. Lord God Almighty, “for I know that prayer works –that if we ask in Jesus name it will be granted.” Through you God I am a child of the King— “doing great things for the Kingdom of God”, ‘I am that I am, and I am all that I am.’  “I am everything that you are God and…foolish old Satan is everything that we are not.” I realize that hell was never mint for humans—but if the unsaved continue to follow Beelzebub 'hell will be their everlasting resting place burning for an eternity.'

Lord Almighty, I pray for the lost souls everywhere—“I pray that you fill them with a great passion, and a desire to be saved.” I know the road ahead of me will be strewn with many obstacles, but I choose to walk the righteous one. Blessed and Holy Ruler, I know I will be hurt along the way, but I will extend my heart and hands," knowing the risk and accepting the pain just like Jesus." As the new day dawns—I look to the hills whence cometh my help, for I know you are coming back for me soon. Father God, “I humble my manners and, I release my will allowing the Holy Spirit to take control…lead my path Lord—nothing on this earth can withstand the simple flex of your hands Father God.” I am eternally grateful that in you God—I am found. I thank you Heavenly Father, you are so good to me—“when praises go up blessings come down!” I give all Praises unto Thee! Amen………..

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