Friday, April 11, 2014

Fasting and Praying 36/40

Day Thirty- Six : Gracious Father, ”I sincerely thank you for sending your son, Jesus’ to endure unimaginable pain and anguish on my behalf of sin, and all my deformities—emotional, mental, and physical. Thank you, Jesus, for submitting to the agony of amazing love—on my behalf. Lord God, “I ask that you fill me with your discerning genuine love—like you showed at the cross when Jesus died for me.”Almighty God, I ask that you increase my love with your—wisdom, knowledge, and discernment that grows more and more every day in me.  (1 Corinthians 13:4-8); says that love suffered long, and it is slow to lose patience. “That it is kind—and it looks for a way of being constructive.” It envieth not—it is not possessive.

“Love does not vaunteth itself—however it is not anxious to impress.” It is not puffed up—it does not cherish inflated ideas; of its own importance. “Love does not behave itself unseemly—it has very good manners.” It does not seek its own—it does not purse selfish advantage. “Love is not easily provoked—it is not touchy.” It thinketh no evil—it does not keep account of evil. “Love rejoiceth not in iniquity—it doesn’t gloat over the wickedness of people.” It rejoiceth in the truth—it is glad with all godly men when truth prevails.” Love Beareth all things—it knows no limit to its forbearance.” It believeth all things—it knows no end to its trust. “Love hopeth all things—it knows no fading of its hope.” It endureth all things—it has unlimited endurance. Creator of Growth, the love you give is able—to outlast the test of time.”It is able to endure all obstacles even, unreturned love.” Father, I asked that my love be like a tree that sinks—its roots deeply into the streams of living water. “Lord God, I want to find great joy in loving you as you love me—never wanting my love to grow cold. I Thank you, Father God, that I am  lead by the spirit of God. I have the mind and love of Christ and...wisdom  of God is within me, In Jesus' name. Amen!

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