Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Passover Time Anniversary


God Almighty, “you sent Moses to Pharaoh to ask that the Israelites be delivered. Pharaoh did not heed.”You instructed Moses to tell the people to prepare their getaway meal to be eaten on the evening of their great escape from Egypt—with the roasted lamb as the main dish.” Lord God, “the blood from the lamb was used to mark the Israelites’ houses—Yahweh, that night you sent your angle of death to kill every firstborn male of the Egyptians’…the very worst of the plagues.” The angels passed over the slaves houses when they saw the blood. El shaddai, in celebration of the remembrance—the Jews were to repeat the festival meal every spring of the anniversary of their departure from Egypt.

Almighty God, your Sons Last Supper—with his Apostles was a Passover meal…he explained to them of his crucifixion and Resurrection it was the new Passover of the New Testament. “Lord My God, King of this universe, who has granted me life—you’ve sustained me.” I thank you, for sending your Son for me that I may have everlasting life God—your word says that you do not want anyone to be destroyed—instead you want all mankind to turn from sin (2 Peter 3:9).  “Without faith it is impossible to please you Father God” It is by faith that  I believe in your provision for me—the blood of Christ and my faith only makes me right in your sight God ( Romans 5:1; Romans 3:25). “My Fear for you Father God is the true beginning of my Wisdom.”  I have heartfelt respect and love for you God—and your words. And I know that I will make wise decisions with you on my side. Heavenly Father, your amazing power is my strong tower—your grace is all I need; and I am Glad about it—Almighty God, I thank you in Jesus’ name! Amen…..


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