Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fasting and Praying 30/40


Day Thirty: Lord God Almighty, Moses was the tribe of Levi, the son Amram and Jochebed…his name means [drawn forth, saved out of water]. At three months he was “hidden in a basket placed by his mother at the side of the” River Nile” to save his life—he was rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. Even though, he grew up as an Egyptian prince he never forgot that he was a Hebrew. After losing his temper and killing an Egyptian who beat a slave to death—he fled to Midian to escape punishment…he was there forty years. It was there God, “you spoke to Moses from a burning bush, and told him to go back and free the Hebrews from slavery.” Lord God, “Moses honored your command he went to Pharaoh and asked him to let the Hebrews go Pharaoh refused, because they were working on his very majestic building.”
God, Thy Father you sent ten plagues. The plagues you sent “Father” were water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, the murrain upon the beast, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the firstborn  boy of every family in Egypt including Pharaoh’s .Praise God! The Hebrews were freed they quickly left but old Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after them. Almighty Father, you are so “awesome!”—You told Moses hold-up your rod the Red Sea opened leaving a dry path to make their getaway. All Hebrews safely made it to the other side; Moses held his rod up the Red Sea closed on Pharaoh’s army. “Hallelujah!” Lord God, the “children of Israel were …Saved.”
For forty years Mighty God, they wonder in the wilderness, because of lack of faith and “You” judge them unfit to receive their blessing. What a wonderful God you are, “You” gave them white food that had a honey taste to it and Quail—no water was left “You told Moses to strike the rock with his rod and water rushed out.” What a Mighty God I serve. Almighty God, at the foot of Mount Sinai you called Moses to meet with you on the mountain—it was lightning and thundering as Moses climbed to the top. It was there God, “Moses receives the ten commandants on two tablets by you “Lord God.” After staying on the mountain so long the Hebrew folks grew very angry, and built a golden calf for their God. As Moses returned he was very disturbed at what they had done, he broke the table that you gave him “God” and destroyed their Idol God. Father of Heaven and Earth, you forgave the people; and you commanded that Moses cut two more tablets of stones. Moses went back up the mountain to retrieve “your laws and commandments from you”. When Moses returned, he used his skills to restore senses of his community, and their understanding of the covenant; that you Lord God…”had made with Abraham”. If only they would obey you, they would receive your blessing including a homeland in Canaan. Lord God,”Moses" died just before his people entered Canaan, and he remains Israel's model of faith. "Never since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses."
“Almighty God, you appointed Moses a prophet—he was the greatest of all prophets and Jewish Leaders. Heavenly Father, Prophet Moses was an Egyptian prince, warrior, religious leader, lawgiver, teacher, Rabbi and—he “led the Jews out of slavery.” He wrote… the first five books listed in the Old Testament the Torah: (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Lord God,” I asked that you restore me with love, faith, and power like Moses he was indeed outstanding”. I know that I am to serve you only, having no other Gods before you. Direct my mind and my path until your Son returns Father God. Keep my eyes and my ears open so; I will know false prophets when they appear your sheep knows your voice. Eternal God, order my steps and help me keep my focus totally on you Heavenly Father. Redeemer of the World, you are the bread of life. The captain of my salvation and “I love you God”…you are the author and finisher of my faith. Prepare my destiny for the future you are my living stone.  Amen

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