Friday, April 18, 2014

"God has created in me a new beginning."

      Glory! Hallelujah! “its a new day, and time—my God is doing a knew thing in me,—my Father, has made me new fresh and unused.” Revelation 21:5 says’ he who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. My Father, “said it—you can believe it.” On this glorious fresh day, “I thank you Father God, for bringing me into your kingdom.” It’s a new beginning for me and I Love you God.” Create a Fresh new desire in me—represent my mind, heart and soul… as I spread the good news all over this Universe. I pray for your strength and mercy. Heavenly Father, you are incredible to me—and I thank you for continually walking with me through fresh…new places of your wonderful blessings; and great influences. “Kainos: Greek word means; new and fresh and is used 42 times in the bible.” God, I love you! And I praise your Holy name! I’m Fresh! New! And…unused! What about You? Happy Easter! Everyone God Bless you! Amen!



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