Friday, April 4, 2014

Fasting and Praying 29/40

Day Twenty-Nine: Lord God, Elijah was an great couragous and extraordinary man of faith. He was on a mission to do your will Heavenly Father. He was tuned in to your voice only—he was obedient to you God. Prophet Elijah raised a widow son from the dead—“he told Ahab that he and the people of Israel had abondoned  God.” Alimighty Father, Elijah built an altar—he prayed to you Father, and fire fell from you consuming the sacrfice of wood, stones and water. Everyone, that was assembled there fell on their faces saying,…”The Lord, He Is God.” Lord of Glory, Elijah walked 40 days and 40 nights at Mount Horeb pouring out his heart to you Father God— he felt as though; he was the only true believer left, and that his life was threatened.

 El-Shaddai, you gave Prophet Elijah three task; and “assured” him that there were seven thousand believers that had not bowed to baal. Elijah “obeyed” you and went to Mount Horeb to carry out your will—to anoint Hazel to be King of Syria, Jehua to be King of Israel, and to train Elisha to be his “Successor.” Heavenly Host, after Jezebel murdered an innocent man Elijah went to meet with King Ahab again,…this time telling him about his wife’s “horrifying death” and Ahab “gruesome future”. Master, of Heaven and Earth Elijah was having a conversation with Elisha when suddenly a chariot of fire  came into full sight—and, divided the both of them and Elijah descended up by a “twister of wind”…into heaven. He disappear mysteriously like he first appeared “Heavenly Father”.

Almighty Father, Elijah was totally committed to you—he was couragous and not afraid of people in leadership. He was a healer, mircle maker, and a great hero—who stood against the mighty King Ahab and false prophets. He knew he served a “powerful God’’…he was a prophet among prophets, a champion and a man that loved you “Eternal Father” more than he loved himself. Father, he knew your “wrath” and he live by it accordly. My Precious Father, as Elijah lived up to his name as a faithful committed prophet—I too want to be just like him, a champion who loves and will obey you—a wonder worker that do not have a problem being obedient unto you Father God. With your Grace and Mercy,“I can fight the good fight, and walk the walk and talk the talk of the Gospel Jesus Christ.”

 Lord God, you prophecy “says”—in Malachi 4: 1-5 “ For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and…all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch… and ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in  the day that I shall do {this }, says the Lord, of host…Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.  God, “I Thank  you for loving me so”. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen



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