Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fasting and Praying 31/40

Day Thirty One: Lord God! Behold, “you have made heaven and earth by your great powers and outstretched arms. “There is nothing to hard for you”.  The closer I come to you...I am learning that, The Old Testament is “my school master”…it has me hungry to desire more of you. Heavenly Father, "it’s like the principal teaching the teachers, and the teachers, teaching the students." It is my introduction, the New Testament. Almighty God, I thank you for loving me so. I thank you for your knowledge and wisdom. I thank you, for your Grace and Mercy. Each day “I thirst for more of the word. Holy Father, I praise your Holy Name for indeed you are awesome.  I lift up “Holy hands unto you for you are worthy to be praised.” Lord God your word says, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. “I am confident that I will gain all your approval and many blessing , in all my endeavors.” I thank you right now in Jesus name. Amen

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