Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fasting and/Praying 28/40

 Day Twenty-Eight: Lord God, 40 days and 40 nights you sent torrents of rain that flooded the entire earth. Almighty God, your sole purpose in the flood was not to destroy humans, but to destroy wickedness and sin. Holy Creator, of heaven and earth out of all men—“Noah” found much “favor”…in your eyes he was righteous and blameless, he was not sinless but yet “Noah”…pleased; obeyed and followed your directions. Heavenly Father, Like Noah “God”—I Love and will obey you with my whole heart you are an “awesome” Creator. Eternal God, I want my life to set an example just like Noah’s; even though evilness is all around me in the hearts of men—I am going to follow you “God” you are the source of my supply. Romans 8:31; say, “if God is for me he is more than the whole world against me”…nothing can match your love, power, glory, mercy, wisdom or your knowledge. Almighty God, you are “amazing” and ‘I love you’!”Lord God.

Lord of Glory, you have chosen me for greatness—I accept it in my heart right now in “Jesus” name. Heavenly Host, with you on my side I cannot be defeated. God, you are my “dream giver”…I pray that you make me be more than, “I ever dreamed”. Everlasting Father, Creator of the ends of the earth—you never grow faint or weary, “no job is too hard for you;” all power is in your hands. Father God, I have total faith in you and I, that I will remain your faithful servant until the return of your precious Son. “In Jesus name I pray”…Amen     

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