Monday, March 31, 2014

Fasting and Praying 25/40

Day Twenty-Five:  Blessed and Holy Ruler, you take me from ..."glory to glory and victory to victory"-- showering me with your love. I look to you father for help, you are my care taker and I love you King of Glory. I put on holiness; love and purity reign and rule the Holy Spirit in my life directing my path.  Father the end times are very near, I asked that you make me victorious and prosperous in these last days; for "I am your bride and you are my bridegroom." Give me Favor for; I will be about my Father's business here on earth until your return. Lord God, "you are the rock of my salvation, my strength, joy and sorrow; without you I am nothing.” I do not fear what the future holds, you are my “rod and staff” and they both comfort me. Almighty God, "I thank you for hiding me under your wings". I thank you for giving me hope for tomorrow is not promised. I thank you for allowing your Son to conquer all my doubts and fears. “I love you Lord”

Lord God Almighty, you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I sing praise unto your name, your goodness and mercy is everlasting. O Lord of Glory, you are my refuge-- in the time of my troubles. Heavenly Father, you are the founder of my salvation, and my Chief Cornerstone. I know that the battle is not mine it is yours. You are The Great I am, and the finisher of my Faith. I Love you! In Jesus Name I Pray Amen….   




Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fasting and Praying 24/40

Day Twenty-Four:  Holy and Gracious God, this is day 24 of fasting and praying and it’s been hard. Your grace and mercy has carried me thus far. Almighty God, --you said “ask and it shall be given.” I ask for strength and courage to continue. Holy Father, I know that you will not put know more on me than, I can bear. Lord God, I ask that you please give me a sign that you are with me. Lord Jesus, I need you to help me overcome these obstacles;...that are trying to get in my way. Lord, I am struggling with everything today but; through your grace and mercy 'I will preserver.' "Whatever I need...I will get it because you are my provider ...just one touch from you restores the sick; and will heal the broken hearted."Adonai = "Lord" you light in darkness, and my hope for tomorrow. You are El Shaddai= “God Almighty”,and I love you Lord.

Yahweh, “the Self-Existent One”: you are more than enough for me; and I thank you Lord. You are my deliver; and my Savior. El Elyon= “Most High God” are the reason I rejoice. "You are the lily in my valley, and a mountain mover".Through your Son stripes..."I am healed." Enternal Father, through your Grace and Mercy; I am more than a conqueror...and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, because I got the victory. "Hallelujah!" Yahweh-jireh = “ I AM will provide” great favor, I Love and Thank You God Almighty, "right now!" in Jesus name Amen...


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fasting and Praying 23/40



Day Twenty-Three: Almighty God, you are the Father of Glory. According to 1Corinthians 6:19-20; “my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in me whom; I received from you my most Gracious God, I am not my own I was brought at a price”. Therefore I should honor you with my body because it’s your home. Heavenly Father, you made the world and everything in it. You are the King of Heaven and Earth, a God that does not live in a temple built by human hands. Lord your word says in Colossians 1:27; “that Christ in my heart is my only hope of Glory.” I believe that Jesus died for me, and I will worship and praise your Holy name. I thank you for preparing my way because without you I am nothing. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! I love you Lord.

God of Thy Father, when Christ Jesus died on the Cross;  the Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke says, "the curtains inside the temple in Jerusalem; that kept your presence separated from sinful humanity was torn in half—top to bottom by you God—so that you could dwell in the hearts of those who believe.”

In Isaiah 6:8; “God you asked whom shall I send as a messenger for my people. Who will go?” Here I am Lord send me; I am your voice and representative of the body of Christ. Lord, I thank you in advance for purchasing my ticket first class. Matthew 18:20; says “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also.” I lift you up and praise your holy name, and the devil is under my feet where he belongs. To God be the Glory! Amen

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fasting and Praying 22/40

Day Twenty-Two: Lord of Glory, we are living in the last and evil days. Jesus your Son foretold things that would take place here on earth. God Almighty, what your Son foretold is now taking place; what is this world coming to! Every time I turn the television on there are tragic things happening so very rapidly and unexpectedly. Lord, nations rising against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, food shortages, great earthquakes, pestilences.” Lord God Almighty, all power is in your hands. Son of the living God, I pray for peace on earth and in our hearts and that your Kingdom will shower blessings upon all who submit to its righteous leadership. I plead the blood of Jesus right now! I Honor and adore you, for you are the Great I am, and I love you Lord.
Gracious Father, I will persevere and do your will until your return. Revelation 22:7 says “behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who believes the words of the prophecy of this scroll.” Hallelujah! Lord,thank you for a new season of power and prosperity. God you stated in Isaiah 55:8-9 "Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." I will wait on you Lord, renew my strength, mount my wings like an eagle, I will run and not be weary I will walk and not faint. Lord it is a honor and a privilege to worship your name. In Jesus name I pray...Amen       

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fasting and Praying 21/40


Day Twenty-One: Master of Heaven and Earth, You are ruler of all things and the captain of man’s salvation. Eternal God, I ask that you keep me under your umbrella, hide and shelter me from the rain drops of hatred, jealousy, liars, deceptions, false prophets, malice, strife, wickedness, persecutors, famine, pestilences, wars, and weapons of mass destruction. Lord God Almighty, I trust and believe that you will continually put your spiritual covering around and over me as I walk in your will and your way. Holy one of God, navigate my pilgrimage's life journey through this land, because you are my compass, Most High God.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, "that He came to give abundant life."...while "satan has come to kill, steal and destroy." Lamb of God, as I commune with you and you with me, I say to you, "that I am available to do, say and go as you instruct me to do your will"; and also "Lord as you shepherd me, your presence is ever before me, overshadowing me with your Holy Spirit. Lord of Glory, a much needed change I need." 

Everlasting Father, I pray a special prayer for all nations and leaders. Cover them with your precious blood, instill peace, and love in their hearts. We so desperately need to come together as one, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together like fools." Glory to You, your precious Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost which is One. I love you and thank you Lord! Amen

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fasting and Praying 20/40

Day Twenty:  Blessed and Holy Ruler you are God Creator, Healer and my Teacher. You’ve been with me through my failures and my successes all my defeats and victories but yet you have sustained me through it all. Lord I pray that you stay by my side ever second minute and ever hour every day, give me strength to take steps in the right directions. Loving and Gracious Father; I asked that you reveal the purpose you have for my life to me. I ask that you strengthen me with your super-natural powers to overcome all my short comings and all of my obstacles. Almighty Ruler of Heaven and Earth take complete control of my life my children’s life and their children’s life guiding us through every step that we take. Lord show us what lies above and beyond what we can see. Lord enable; us to have faith and strength to achieve what we don’t yet know.

Sweet Jesus my Lord and Master; please bestow a spiritual hunger in my family and draw us to fervent intercessory prayer. Pour out your spirit like a mighty flood in us. Precious Father; I pray for conviction and Salvation in us turning us from self and the world, to you Lord for your plans are bigger and better than ours. I pray for a complete turnaround a radical change in our hearts and minds, and that your god given grace sustains us in all sincerity to Christ your Son. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God, you offered your life on the cross to take away the sins of the world. Purify our bodies with your fragrance of your life giving body and sweeten our soul with your sacred blood Jesus, casting out the evilness and bitterness the adversary has fed us. Heavenly Father free our earthly minds; John 8:36 says who the Son sets free is free indeed. Lord I Thank you in advance for setting us free! I love you Lord. I continue to walk in your great glory. In Jesus’ name I pray these things. Amen  


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fasting and Praying 19/40

Day nineteen:  My Heaven Father; I thank you for your great glory as I walk and talk the good news of Christ. I ask in your son’s name for strength and protection. I pray that I remain faithful to your word until the Son of  Man returns Heavenly Host you stated in Luke 21:19; that I should stand firm and I will win life. Gracious Father I thank you for your son and I pray that I remain steadfast and immovable unto your word. Lord you are good to those who remain faithful. Almighty God I run to you for protection of wickedness, false prophets and every demonic spirit here on earth. God thy Father be my mighty rock until your son returns. I praise and honor your Holy name for you are the Great I am and I love you Lord.

O loving and Kind God of heaven and earth as I wait on your son’s return. I pray for all your mighty blessing of gifts to be bestowed upon me. Plant your seeds of joy, peace, love, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance in me right now father restore and rebuild me in Jesus name. Hallelujah, Hallelujah glory to your name Everlasting Father; I thank you right know in advance in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Monday, March 24, 2014

Fasting and Praying 18/40

Day Eighteen: Father God, creator of heaven and earth I come before you in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Lord I know that I have sinned and fail short of the glory of god as stated in your word. Almighty God your son died in my place so I could live with him in eternity.  Lord God Almighty I know that your son is the only way that I will ever enter heaven. Jesus said in (John 14:6) “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father, but through me. Father I know that I am a sinner; I asked you in the name of your son Jesus to search my life for any hidden sin.

 Lord, I repent and ask your forgiveness right now. Heavenly father please remove all sins and guilt from my life and place them on your son’s shoulders. I except Jesus desire to release me from my sins and guilt. Christ of God, I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I thank you Lord I trust and will follow you as my Lord and Savior. Lord please lead and guide my life help, and give me the strength to do your will. Lord I thank you for a godly, righteous and sober life, in Jesus name I Pray! Amen

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fasting and Praying 17/40

Day seventeen:  Christ, Son of the Living God you have promised that you will listen to me when I ask in faith. Lord I pray for my sisters and brothers in other nations especially where there is so much evil, danger, persecution and suffering. Eternal Father, I graciously thank you for strengthen me in my fasting and praying for many nations. I pray that I remain faithful with a humble heart and that I stay steadfast while proclaiming your glory for all nations. Heavenly Father, please give wisdom to those in authority and give people all over the world a desire of peace and righteousness and the will to work together in love.

Almighty Father, I pray that you comfort and heal all who are sick, full of sorrow and in need. Lord please give them a firm loving trust in your goodness. Lord I pray that whoever may witness to them that you help them; bring the joy of your salvation in love.  I praise you right now Jesus, for all faithful servants in all nations and I ask that I may share with them your love and kindness your resurrection glory through your Son’s death and rising again for our salvation. Please hear me right now father, through Christ Jesus our Lord who lives and reigns with you in unity of the Holy Ghost you are one God, now and forever and ever….Amen.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fasting and Praying 16/40

Day sixteen: Almighty father of heaven and earth; I stand before you with a humble heart thanking you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus. Lord I thank you for shedding your blood on Calvary. Jesus Christ my savior. I thank you most for your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your word. Lord I ask that you grant me understanding and wisdom of your word. I pray that you open my eyes to see the calling that you would have for my life. Lord I asked that you renew my mind. I pray that you open up the windows of heaven in my life. I continue to pray for good health and strength for you God are Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the Ending and I love you Lord.

Christ the Lamb of God; you are the captain of my salvation.  Lord you are creator of all things; and the finisher of my faith. I pray that you reach down from heaven and touch me with your glory for you are creator of all things. O blessed Prince of Peace reveal to me the precious things of heaven and all its mysteries my spirit longs for your grace love and mercy. Lord you are my Chief Cornerstone and the Author of my Eternal Salvation and I love you Lord. Almighty God, I Thank you that I may prosper and be in good health. In Jesus name I Pray…..  Amen.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fasting and Praying 15/40

 Day Fifteen: Lord God Almighty, your son greatly suffered for me. Through his suffering I have great peace and my healing is spiritual. My heavenly Father they falsely accused, and arrested Jesus. They beat him severely, placing a crown of thorns on his head. They mocked and spit on him forcing Jesus your son to carry a beam to his own cross. Lord they stripped him naked nailed him to the cross. The punishment Jesus took was mine, but you are a just god and will punish all evil doers. God thy Father you stated in your word in Romans 6:23; that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. My Heavenly Host I thank you in advance for eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Lord! Please have mercy on the unsaved they don’t understand that you are the father of many nations and that one touch from you will restore their broken heart. You are a God that can transform the darkness to light. You are a God that will heal the sick and all power is in your hands. Lord! I stand in the gap; for all unbelievers. I pray this prayer for their lost souls help them open there eyes so they can see; restore them with light and truth of you Father, for you have given us the promise of eternity in our hearts. I thank you lord in advance. Amen

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fasting and Praying 14/40

Day fourteen: God; thy father thank you for sending your only Begotten Son too die on the cross for my sins a debt I can never pay. Your Anointed One was pierced for my rebellious acts, crushed for my sins and his punishment has brought me everlasting love, joy and peace and by his stripes I healed. My Heavenly Host, I thank you for the blood of Christ. I cover myself, family, children, Grand children and everyone I know with your precious blood. I cover my automobile, home, finances and my writing ministry with the blood of Christ.

Satan; I cancel your assignments and your evil powers casting you back to hell where you belong. Luke 10:19 gives me the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy; and nothing will harm me. I lose in the name of the Lamb of God, all God’s plans for my children, Grand children, family, myself and friends and everyone around me to be anointed with the Holy Spirit. No weapon formed against us will prosper. I lose your super-natural powers to take control right now Lord. I apply the blood of Jesus in every circumstance and in any situation in my life, family, children grand children, friends and anyone in my presence right now Lord. I receive healing by faith according to your word with your stripes I am healed. I accept your love, joy and peace in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fasting and Praying 13/40

Day Thirteen:  My Heaven Father I want to thank you for being by my side during my fasting and praying it has been hard and Satan has been busy. Father with your grace and mercy I am more than a conqueror and I will prevail. All Mighty Creator of heaven and earth you have proven to me that you’re more than enough for little old me. Lord you are a merciful giver and more awesome then I will ever know. Everlasting Father you are faithful, true and worthy to praised. I glorify your name Lord you are my saving grace. You are my redeemer the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Great I am and I love you lord.

King of Glory you are my shepherd and I shall not lack for anything. You are the highest of earthly kings I bow before you with a humble spirit lord; thanking you for all my blessing in Jesus name. I name and claim each one right now in advance. O Prince of Peace you are worthy to be praised be glorified there is none like you Lord Hallelujah, Hallelujah. I lift you on high because you are a God of all creations my father. You are holy, the King of Heaven and Earth and the light of the world and I declare your Majesty you’re my God. Hallelujah! I bow in total praise to you. I love you Lord.

O Emmanuel let your light shine through me; let it shine cover me with your blood. I step out of my comfort zone yea Jesus. I fill you Lord I am not afraid. I walk with you; I talk with you I glorify your name. Your grace is enough for me. Cover me with your blood from the crown of my head to the very souls of my feet guide my heart lord I need you. I love you lord let your righteousness prevail right now Lord. Amen

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fasting and Praying 12/40

Day Twelve: Yahweh-shalom you are very faithful to me. You are the creator of the profoundly spiritual, a grantor of generosity, a remover of afflictions, a Father that reaches everyone equally. God Thy Father you are steadfast among the steadfast and a protector of the world never changing towards any of your children. God you are a fulfiller of my Holy desires, a grantor of wishes and a creator of noble nature, most of all a God that never sleeps. Lamb of God you are the keeper of limits and a rewarder of sincere desires. Lord you give me your finest blessing I, thank you lord.

Chosen One of God you always protect and guarding me; I Thank you lord.  Lord Jesus you are victorious and a recorder of man’s action; but yet you reach equally to all of your children. El Shaddai I thank you for watching over my family. Devine Son of God when I feel I can’t make it another second, minute, hour or day you are there guiding me through. Everlasting Father you are meek and lowly and a constant friend. God walk before me and multiply my fruitful blessings exceedingly.

Elohim you are the creator of all things the Lamb of God who sits upon the throne watching over us.  You are my cornerstone, counselor, and comforter. You are holy and I magnify your name you are lord of Heaven and earth. I love you Lord and I give you all the praise and all the glory.  Amen

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fasting and Praying 11/40

Day Eleven:  Christ of God your grace and mercy is everything to me and I love you lord. You are mighty and just I lift my hands in total praise unto you Father. As I stand in your presence breathe on me lord. You are a restorer of deliverance; I give you my heart and soul. Heavenly Father please can you be mindful of my tears. I need you like the desert needs the rain I can’t make it without you. Shepherd of my soul purifier my mind, give me strengthen to walk the walk and talk the talk of the gospel of Jesus Christ I surrender to you lord. My heart is your home. You are the creator of all mankind; I will hasten to your throne have your way lord.

Prince of Peace put many blessing in my path you are the Master of my Soul. God your lamb has been slain for me. God I want to feast upon your son growing strong in my Christian life, leaving behind the cancerous old life with all its hatreds and wickedness fill me; with your truths lord. My heavenly Father I thank you for being the God of every blessing and the source of all good things. I desire your blessing upon my life. Thank you for abundant joy and every blessing that heaven has to give. I humble myself to you lord thanking you for sustaining me; Creator of heaven and earth bless the work of my hands as I serve you in your appointed place; break bread with me Lord. I rejoice Father for you have been a good God to me. Amen

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fasting and Praying 10/40

Day Ten:  Blessed and Holy Ruler you are the Creator of growth and progress you reach equally to all of your children. Lord God you are compassionate and gracious and slow to anger and ever so loving to us all that flow you. Your love for us is everlasting for those that fear you Lord. Heavenly father I pray that you guard my life. Let your glory and your praise rise upon me Holy one of Israel, Protecting me from arrogant, deceitful and evil people they have Know regard for you lord. Lamb of God, teach me your way and, I will walk in your truths. You are a Bright Morning Star, the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon and I love you Lord!

Sun of Righteousness reign and breathe on me blessings from Heaven. Shower me with your love lord. I glorify your name, spirit of the living God you are the source of my strength and I lift my hands in total praise to you lord. Scepter out of Israel, grant me your strength and mercy shield me from all my enemies and put them to shame Lord. I pour out my complaints before you hear my voice Son of The Most High I owe everything to you. All my gifts are installed by the Holy Spirit you saw the best in me Lord, prepare my mind and heart for whatever comes my way I surrender unto you  thanking you lord for all that you have done for me. I love you Lord!

Everlasting Father I ask for uncommon health, wisdom, favor, financial blessings and family recognition from you. Hear my voice O Mighty God; I need your peace to sweep over me you are my teacher the true light of my salvation. Almighty God; I surrender and stand I won’t look back. I will stay on track begin a good and faithful servant you are a good God and indeed you are worthy to be praise. Lord you woke me up this morning started me on my way. I thank you lord. Lord you are a doctor in the sick room and a lawyer in court room. I Love you Lord!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fasting and Praying 9/40

Day nine: Abba Father how good you are to me. Your love for me continues forever and ever. I cannot praise you enough. Lord you are an awesome God. Almighty Healer you are my rock, salvation and strength. Blessed and Holy Ruler I enter in your courts with praise and thanksgiving for indeed you are a wonderful counselor the creator of heaven and earth. You are my deliverer you are Alpha, Omega the Beginning and the End my comforter the True Vine, and I love you lord.

Divine Son of God you are always just and good. I bless your Holy name bright and morning star. I lift my hands in praise to you lord because you are the captain of my salvation. Lord you are the door of the lost sheep. God you are and can. They will but won’t receive, your precious Grace and Mercy. Bread of heaven, I pray that the Holy Spirit take control right now drawing all unsaved souls unto you Lord God Almighty.

God of Thy Father how excellent is your name in all the earth. King of Zion you stated in your word that I am the sheep of your pasture, and that to be strong with the strengths that you give me. Lord you said that I must teach others your great truths to pass on to others. No weapon formed against me shall prosper as I take my share of suffering as a good messenger and soldier of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Baring all fruits of the spirit and I will faithful pass on to the lost and unsaved. Christ of God I will follow your rules for doing your work. I love you lord.  

Lord you are the Redeemer of the world the author and finisher of my faith the righteous judge of heaven. Hallelujah Jesus! I give you all the praise and honor Anoint one. Amen

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fasting and Praying 8/40

Day Eight: My Heavenly father you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Lord I will sit at your right hand until you put my enemies under my feet. All mighty healer, you said in your word to never envy the wicked because soon they fade away like grass disappear. Holy Messiah, you said in your word that I must trust in you. Jesus of Nazareth you have promised me that you will never forsake me. Everlasting Father you are the king of the Jews, the Captain of my Salvation, the Chief Cornerstone, Counselor, and my everlasting comforter.

Lord God Almighty you are the bread of life, the blessed one from God. You are the light of this world the living bread and water of my salvation.  God you are governor of my mind, body, and soul the finisher of my faith Lord, and a God of grace and mercy. I praise your name lord because you are a healer and a keeper and I love you lord.

Divine Son of God I live in a world full of hatred, crooked and stubborn people that are selfish and self-centered. Lord you are heir of all things. I pray lord that I will shine with your beacon light and hold out to them the word of life because you are the Lion of the tribe of Juda. The Redeemer of Israel my sweet Prince of Peace the true wisdom of God. Lord your name is above all other names and I love you lord.

Lord of Glory, I pray that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I take my cross lord and I will follow you , because you are the great I am and I am not afraid to say that I love you lord, you are the Savior of the world. Amen

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fasting and Praying 7/40

Day Seven: Heavenly Father create a clean heart in me ,O Prince of peace. Lord renew an unmoving spirit within my heart. Lord please don’t dismiss me from your presence. I need your Holy Spirit to consume me. Rejuvenate the joy of your salvation to me Lord, and give me a willing Spirit. Lord it is your will for me to teach the evil doers your ways so; that they will return back to you. God let the light of Jesus shine through me and I will lift him up, drawing all men unto him.

Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth keep my heart open to the Holy Spirit, so that I will know the truth. Master I seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness. I remain humble and forgiving Father because, you are Lord of Lords and King of Kings and the Son of the vineyard owner. Almighty Master ,I will never reject your protective love. You are the one and only true Messiah, and every knee of all nations will bow down and acknowledge and worship you as the son of the living God.

Yahweh transform me from inside out, and make me ever so righteous and whole. Lord your love saves over and over.” I love you Lord.” My Heavenly father you wept only twice that is record in the bible once over the fate of Jerusalem and the second time at the tomb of Lazarus. Both were over the sorrow of death. Rejecting your love, I can never do. You saved me through your precious blood on the cross of Calvary. I Love You Lord!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fasting and Praying 6/40

Day Six: God you are the great I am. I worship and adore you. I enter into your courts with praise Lord. I magnify your name because you are the one and true living God. I lift up holy hands unto you O mighty one of Israel. Through you I am the head and not the tail. I am more than a conqueror. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. This world has suffered enough at the hands of man. O holy One I need the Holy Spirit to sweep through this Nation like a mighty wind my Lord.

Lord you are bold and courage’s with mighty powers that can endure any circumstance. O God I take refuge in the shadow of your wings. You feed me from your very on table, and you let me drink from your rivers of delight, I thank you lord. Father let your garden grow in my heart so that rivers of living water will flow from my very own heart. God your home lives in me. Your word says that if any one defiles and spoils god’s home, God will destroy him. For God’s home is Holy and clean. Cleanse me lord wash me Lord and I shall be whiter then snow.

Lord you are the rock of all ages and nothing will hold me back from the true wisdom from heaven. Lord you have given me all of the present and all of the future. I have seen your star in the east and I come to worship you lord because you are the Great I am and, I love you Lord.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fasting and Praying 5/40

Day Five: Lord when I am down and out and I cry out to you, you are a lifter of my head. Lord I need you to hear my cry and carry me through these terrible times. Lord please create in me a clean heart and a new spirit within me. Father my soul cries out for our nation. Lord I need you to send you’re renewing Holy Spirit among us and draw the people of this world to you.

Holy Spirit you have saturated my heart with love and hope. I love and thank you Lord.  Heaven Father, you are my undying hope and strength; I stand on your word, because I know that you are the rock of my salvation. Jesus I have faith that you will bring the people of this nation to a saving knowledge of you and your word. Jesus you paid the price of redemption way back on Calvary.

Al mighty father, your son the Messiah has promised that you will hear me when I ask in faith, and you will receive my prayer petition. Heavenly father in your mercy please hear me through Christ Jesus our Lord who reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Ghost. Father you are the one and only true living God. Amen

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fasting and Praying 4/40

Day Four: Good morning Lord it is I your faithful servant. I stand before you asking for a break through. The bible states that you would have me to fear you and walk in your ways. Too love and serve you with all my heart and soul. Heavenly father I put all my trust in you. You are first in my life. Lord teach me how to love, like Jesus loved. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Lord I need you to guide me on your path of righteousness’ Lord. Lord I need you to teach me how to watch, fight and pray.

 Lord I need you to be in the forefront of my mind, instead of other things that don’t even mean me any good. Lord I know that I am your chosen child out of all the earth. I am your treasured prize possession. I truly believe that you’re the one and only God. I reach up to heaven praising you with unspeakable joy and a humble spirit. Lord I humble myself before your grace and mercy.

 I exalt myself before you lord. Lord you said in your word that those who exalt themselves will be humble and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Here I am lord signed sealed and delivered by your son Jesus. I ask all these things in Jesus name.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fasting and Praying 3/40

Day Three: Lord I need you now. You are a God of all glory. I magnify your name. Reign on me lord. You are lord of heaven and earth. I need your strength Lord. I need your will. Come to me father, show me thy way lord. Lead me to the rock of righteousness God. I Offer up to you the sacrifice of joy lord, for the righteous one will stand.
God I thank you for making me worthy of coming into your presence with wonderful joy. You are a shield for me and a lifter of my head. For you have made me glad, I will continue to worship you lord. As I enter into your presence. I glorify your name in all the earth. Father you have become my protector, deliver, and shield. Let my enemies be scattered. God you arise in my sight. Lord you said in your word that if I knock the door will be answered, I am knocking. I come to you with a joyful heart and a humble spirit .I love you Lord, I adore you. I glorify your name on earth and in Heaven.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fasting and Praying 2/40

Day Two:  Bread of heaven feed me until I want no more. As I labor before you my soul cry out too you. For you know that the heart of man is wicked, but I ask you in Jesus name to consume me from the inside out. Lord I welcome you into my presence, administrate, supervise, manage, regulate and control my daily thoughts as you lead me to the Mount. God I know that you are a god of grace and mercy. I will continue to walk in faith have moral ethics, love my neighbors and pray for those that despiteful use me.

Lord! Love hides a multitude of faults, I ask in Jesus name for your guidance as you prepare me for my journey of the Holy Ghost. I come to you with a humble spirit, an open mind, and a willing heart. Love will overcome the pity of people. So God let me be obedient to you. Let me be pleasing in your sight.

Let me be all that you would have me to be. Anoint, touch, keep and use me for your glory God. Lord fill me with the courage to boldly speak your truth in love.

As I enter into your presence, I walk with the same mindset of Jesus. I have the spiritual eyes to see for eternity. God I thank you for all these blessing that you have bestowed upon me. I therefore  submit myself unto you God. I love you lord

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fasting and Praying 1/40

Day One: As I begin my 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and praying. I want to give thanks to my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the head of my life. Thanks lord for your will, strenght,  grace and mercy. For I am standing in the gap for our nation. I know that I will be tested, tried and tempted but with god’s grace and mercy I will persevere.

The late Bishop Otis A. Floyd God bless his soul. Would sing this Song" shake, the devil off. So as I begin fasting and praying. I want to start with shaking the devil off in the name of Jesus. Satan I cancel your assignment, and I cast you to the pits of hell where you belong. I lose the blood of Jesus and his angels to protect , guide , and lead me to the Mount.

God your victory is already won for no weapon formed against me shall prosper. So angels from heaven do your mighty work, as I put on the whole armor of god. I am covered with the blood of Jesus, Cause the bible tells me so. I Got the Victory through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because I am more than a conqueror. See you on the Mount. Amen