Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fasting and Praying 16/40

Day sixteen: Almighty father of heaven and earth; I stand before you with a humble heart thanking you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus. Lord I thank you for shedding your blood on Calvary. Jesus Christ my savior. I thank you most for your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your word. Lord I ask that you grant me understanding and wisdom of your word. I pray that you open my eyes to see the calling that you would have for my life. Lord I asked that you renew my mind. I pray that you open up the windows of heaven in my life. I continue to pray for good health and strength for you God are Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the Ending and I love you Lord.

Christ the Lamb of God; you are the captain of my salvation.  Lord you are creator of all things; and the finisher of my faith. I pray that you reach down from heaven and touch me with your glory for you are creator of all things. O blessed Prince of Peace reveal to me the precious things of heaven and all its mysteries my spirit longs for your grace love and mercy. Lord you are my Chief Cornerstone and the Author of my Eternal Salvation and I love you Lord. Almighty God, I Thank you that I may prosper and be in good health. In Jesus name I Pray…..  Amen.

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