Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fasting and Praying 21/40


Day Twenty-One: Master of Heaven and Earth, You are ruler of all things and the captain of man’s salvation. Eternal God, I ask that you keep me under your umbrella, hide and shelter me from the rain drops of hatred, jealousy, liars, deceptions, false prophets, malice, strife, wickedness, persecutors, famine, pestilences, wars, and weapons of mass destruction. Lord God Almighty, I trust and believe that you will continually put your spiritual covering around and over me as I walk in your will and your way. Holy one of God, navigate my pilgrimage's life journey through this land, because you are my compass, Most High God.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, "that He came to give abundant life."...while "satan has come to kill, steal and destroy." Lamb of God, as I commune with you and you with me, I say to you, "that I am available to do, say and go as you instruct me to do your will"; and also "Lord as you shepherd me, your presence is ever before me, overshadowing me with your Holy Spirit. Lord of Glory, a much needed change I need." 

Everlasting Father, I pray a special prayer for all nations and leaders. Cover them with your precious blood, instill peace, and love in their hearts. We so desperately need to come together as one, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together like fools." Glory to You, your precious Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost which is One. I love you and thank you Lord! Amen

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