Friday, March 7, 2014

Fasting and Praying 1/40

Day One: As I begin my 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and praying. I want to give thanks to my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the head of my life. Thanks lord for your will, strenght,  grace and mercy. For I am standing in the gap for our nation. I know that I will be tested, tried and tempted but with god’s grace and mercy I will persevere.

The late Bishop Otis A. Floyd God bless his soul. Would sing this Song" shake, the devil off. So as I begin fasting and praying. I want to start with shaking the devil off in the name of Jesus. Satan I cancel your assignment, and I cast you to the pits of hell where you belong. I lose the blood of Jesus and his angels to protect , guide , and lead me to the Mount.

God your victory is already won for no weapon formed against me shall prosper. So angels from heaven do your mighty work, as I put on the whole armor of god. I am covered with the blood of Jesus, Cause the bible tells me so. I Got the Victory through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because I am more than a conqueror. See you on the Mount. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I challenge the saved and the unsaved to join me in my journey to the Mount.
