Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fasting and Praying 5/40

Day Five: Lord when I am down and out and I cry out to you, you are a lifter of my head. Lord I need you to hear my cry and carry me through these terrible times. Lord please create in me a clean heart and a new spirit within me. Father my soul cries out for our nation. Lord I need you to send you’re renewing Holy Spirit among us and draw the people of this world to you.

Holy Spirit you have saturated my heart with love and hope. I love and thank you Lord.  Heaven Father, you are my undying hope and strength; I stand on your word, because I know that you are the rock of my salvation. Jesus I have faith that you will bring the people of this nation to a saving knowledge of you and your word. Jesus you paid the price of redemption way back on Calvary.

Al mighty father, your son the Messiah has promised that you will hear me when I ask in faith, and you will receive my prayer petition. Heavenly father in your mercy please hear me through Christ Jesus our Lord who reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Ghost. Father you are the one and only true living God. Amen

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