Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fasting and Praying 2/40

Day Two:  Bread of heaven feed me until I want no more. As I labor before you my soul cry out too you. For you know that the heart of man is wicked, but I ask you in Jesus name to consume me from the inside out. Lord I welcome you into my presence, administrate, supervise, manage, regulate and control my daily thoughts as you lead me to the Mount. God I know that you are a god of grace and mercy. I will continue to walk in faith have moral ethics, love my neighbors and pray for those that despiteful use me.

Lord! Love hides a multitude of faults, I ask in Jesus name for your guidance as you prepare me for my journey of the Holy Ghost. I come to you with a humble spirit, an open mind, and a willing heart. Love will overcome the pity of people. So God let me be obedient to you. Let me be pleasing in your sight.

Let me be all that you would have me to be. Anoint, touch, keep and use me for your glory God. Lord fill me with the courage to boldly speak your truth in love.

As I enter into your presence, I walk with the same mindset of Jesus. I have the spiritual eyes to see for eternity. God I thank you for all these blessing that you have bestowed upon me. I therefore  submit myself unto you God. I love you lord

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