Friday, March 21, 2014

Fasting and Praying 15/40

 Day Fifteen: Lord God Almighty, your son greatly suffered for me. Through his suffering I have great peace and my healing is spiritual. My heavenly Father they falsely accused, and arrested Jesus. They beat him severely, placing a crown of thorns on his head. They mocked and spit on him forcing Jesus your son to carry a beam to his own cross. Lord they stripped him naked nailed him to the cross. The punishment Jesus took was mine, but you are a just god and will punish all evil doers. God thy Father you stated in your word in Romans 6:23; that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. My Heavenly Host I thank you in advance for eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Lord! Please have mercy on the unsaved they don’t understand that you are the father of many nations and that one touch from you will restore their broken heart. You are a God that can transform the darkness to light. You are a God that will heal the sick and all power is in your hands. Lord! I stand in the gap; for all unbelievers. I pray this prayer for their lost souls help them open there eyes so they can see; restore them with light and truth of you Father, for you have given us the promise of eternity in our hearts. I thank you lord in advance. Amen

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