Friday, March 14, 2014

Fasting and Praying 8/40

Day Eight: My Heavenly father you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Lord I will sit at your right hand until you put my enemies under my feet. All mighty healer, you said in your word to never envy the wicked because soon they fade away like grass disappear. Holy Messiah, you said in your word that I must trust in you. Jesus of Nazareth you have promised me that you will never forsake me. Everlasting Father you are the king of the Jews, the Captain of my Salvation, the Chief Cornerstone, Counselor, and my everlasting comforter.

Lord God Almighty you are the bread of life, the blessed one from God. You are the light of this world the living bread and water of my salvation.  God you are governor of my mind, body, and soul the finisher of my faith Lord, and a God of grace and mercy. I praise your name lord because you are a healer and a keeper and I love you lord.

Divine Son of God I live in a world full of hatred, crooked and stubborn people that are selfish and self-centered. Lord you are heir of all things. I pray lord that I will shine with your beacon light and hold out to them the word of life because you are the Lion of the tribe of Juda. The Redeemer of Israel my sweet Prince of Peace the true wisdom of God. Lord your name is above all other names and I love you lord.

Lord of Glory, I pray that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I take my cross lord and I will follow you , because you are the great I am and I am not afraid to say that I love you lord, you are the Savior of the world. Amen

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