Monday, March 31, 2014

Fasting and Praying 25/40

Day Twenty-Five:  Blessed and Holy Ruler, you take me from ..."glory to glory and victory to victory"-- showering me with your love. I look to you father for help, you are my care taker and I love you King of Glory. I put on holiness; love and purity reign and rule the Holy Spirit in my life directing my path.  Father the end times are very near, I asked that you make me victorious and prosperous in these last days; for "I am your bride and you are my bridegroom." Give me Favor for; I will be about my Father's business here on earth until your return. Lord God, "you are the rock of my salvation, my strength, joy and sorrow; without you I am nothing.” I do not fear what the future holds, you are my “rod and staff” and they both comfort me. Almighty God, "I thank you for hiding me under your wings". I thank you for giving me hope for tomorrow is not promised. I thank you for allowing your Son to conquer all my doubts and fears. “I love you Lord”

Lord God Almighty, you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I sing praise unto your name, your goodness and mercy is everlasting. O Lord of Glory, you are my refuge-- in the time of my troubles. Heavenly Father, you are the founder of my salvation, and my Chief Cornerstone. I know that the battle is not mine it is yours. You are The Great I am, and the finisher of my Faith. I Love you! In Jesus Name I Pray Amen….   




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