Monday, March 10, 2014

Fasting and Praying 4/40

Day Four: Good morning Lord it is I your faithful servant. I stand before you asking for a break through. The bible states that you would have me to fear you and walk in your ways. Too love and serve you with all my heart and soul. Heavenly father I put all my trust in you. You are first in my life. Lord teach me how to love, like Jesus loved. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Lord I need you to guide me on your path of righteousness’ Lord. Lord I need you to teach me how to watch, fight and pray.

 Lord I need you to be in the forefront of my mind, instead of other things that don’t even mean me any good. Lord I know that I am your chosen child out of all the earth. I am your treasured prize possession. I truly believe that you’re the one and only God. I reach up to heaven praising you with unspeakable joy and a humble spirit. Lord I humble myself before your grace and mercy.

 I exalt myself before you lord. Lord you said in your word that those who exalt themselves will be humble and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Here I am lord signed sealed and delivered by your son Jesus. I ask all these things in Jesus name.

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