Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fasting and Praying 20/40

Day Twenty:  Blessed and Holy Ruler you are God Creator, Healer and my Teacher. You’ve been with me through my failures and my successes all my defeats and victories but yet you have sustained me through it all. Lord I pray that you stay by my side ever second minute and ever hour every day, give me strength to take steps in the right directions. Loving and Gracious Father; I asked that you reveal the purpose you have for my life to me. I ask that you strengthen me with your super-natural powers to overcome all my short comings and all of my obstacles. Almighty Ruler of Heaven and Earth take complete control of my life my children’s life and their children’s life guiding us through every step that we take. Lord show us what lies above and beyond what we can see. Lord enable; us to have faith and strength to achieve what we don’t yet know.

Sweet Jesus my Lord and Master; please bestow a spiritual hunger in my family and draw us to fervent intercessory prayer. Pour out your spirit like a mighty flood in us. Precious Father; I pray for conviction and Salvation in us turning us from self and the world, to you Lord for your plans are bigger and better than ours. I pray for a complete turnaround a radical change in our hearts and minds, and that your god given grace sustains us in all sincerity to Christ your Son. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God, you offered your life on the cross to take away the sins of the world. Purify our bodies with your fragrance of your life giving body and sweeten our soul with your sacred blood Jesus, casting out the evilness and bitterness the adversary has fed us. Heavenly Father free our earthly minds; John 8:36 says who the Son sets free is free indeed. Lord I Thank you in advance for setting us free! I love you Lord. I continue to walk in your great glory. In Jesus’ name I pray these things. Amen  


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