Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fasting and Praying 9/40

Day nine: Abba Father how good you are to me. Your love for me continues forever and ever. I cannot praise you enough. Lord you are an awesome God. Almighty Healer you are my rock, salvation and strength. Blessed and Holy Ruler I enter in your courts with praise and thanksgiving for indeed you are a wonderful counselor the creator of heaven and earth. You are my deliverer you are Alpha, Omega the Beginning and the End my comforter the True Vine, and I love you lord.

Divine Son of God you are always just and good. I bless your Holy name bright and morning star. I lift my hands in praise to you lord because you are the captain of my salvation. Lord you are the door of the lost sheep. God you are and can. They will but won’t receive, your precious Grace and Mercy. Bread of heaven, I pray that the Holy Spirit take control right now drawing all unsaved souls unto you Lord God Almighty.

God of Thy Father how excellent is your name in all the earth. King of Zion you stated in your word that I am the sheep of your pasture, and that to be strong with the strengths that you give me. Lord you said that I must teach others your great truths to pass on to others. No weapon formed against me shall prosper as I take my share of suffering as a good messenger and soldier of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Baring all fruits of the spirit and I will faithful pass on to the lost and unsaved. Christ of God I will follow your rules for doing your work. I love you lord.  

Lord you are the Redeemer of the world the author and finisher of my faith the righteous judge of heaven. Hallelujah Jesus! I give you all the praise and honor Anoint one. Amen

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