Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fasting and Praying 24/40

Day Twenty-Four:  Holy and Gracious God, this is day 24 of fasting and praying and it’s been hard. Your grace and mercy has carried me thus far. Almighty God, --you said “ask and it shall be given.” I ask for strength and courage to continue. Holy Father, I know that you will not put know more on me than, I can bear. Lord God, I ask that you please give me a sign that you are with me. Lord Jesus, I need you to help me overcome these obstacles;...that are trying to get in my way. Lord, I am struggling with everything today but; through your grace and mercy 'I will preserver.' "Whatever I need...I will get it because you are my provider ...just one touch from you restores the sick; and will heal the broken hearted."Adonai = "Lord" you light in darkness, and my hope for tomorrow. You are El Shaddai= “God Almighty”,and I love you Lord.

Yahweh, “the Self-Existent One”: you are more than enough for me; and I thank you Lord. You are my deliver; and my Savior. El Elyon= “Most High God” are the reason I rejoice. "You are the lily in my valley, and a mountain mover".Through your Son stripes..."I am healed." Enternal Father, through your Grace and Mercy; I am more than a conqueror...and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, because I got the victory. "Hallelujah!" Yahweh-jireh = “ I AM will provide” great favor, I Love and Thank You God Almighty, "right now!" in Jesus name Amen...


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