Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fasting and Praying 7/40

Day Seven: Heavenly Father create a clean heart in me ,O Prince of peace. Lord renew an unmoving spirit within my heart. Lord please don’t dismiss me from your presence. I need your Holy Spirit to consume me. Rejuvenate the joy of your salvation to me Lord, and give me a willing Spirit. Lord it is your will for me to teach the evil doers your ways so; that they will return back to you. God let the light of Jesus shine through me and I will lift him up, drawing all men unto him.

Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth keep my heart open to the Holy Spirit, so that I will know the truth. Master I seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness. I remain humble and forgiving Father because, you are Lord of Lords and King of Kings and the Son of the vineyard owner. Almighty Master ,I will never reject your protective love. You are the one and only true Messiah, and every knee of all nations will bow down and acknowledge and worship you as the son of the living God.

Yahweh transform me from inside out, and make me ever so righteous and whole. Lord your love saves over and over.” I love you Lord.” My Heavenly father you wept only twice that is record in the bible once over the fate of Jerusalem and the second time at the tomb of Lazarus. Both were over the sorrow of death. Rejecting your love, I can never do. You saved me through your precious blood on the cross of Calvary. I Love You Lord!

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