Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fasting and Praying 17/40

Day seventeen:  Christ, Son of the Living God you have promised that you will listen to me when I ask in faith. Lord I pray for my sisters and brothers in other nations especially where there is so much evil, danger, persecution and suffering. Eternal Father, I graciously thank you for strengthen me in my fasting and praying for many nations. I pray that I remain faithful with a humble heart and that I stay steadfast while proclaiming your glory for all nations. Heavenly Father, please give wisdom to those in authority and give people all over the world a desire of peace and righteousness and the will to work together in love.

Almighty Father, I pray that you comfort and heal all who are sick, full of sorrow and in need. Lord please give them a firm loving trust in your goodness. Lord I pray that whoever may witness to them that you help them; bring the joy of your salvation in love.  I praise you right now Jesus, for all faithful servants in all nations and I ask that I may share with them your love and kindness your resurrection glory through your Son’s death and rising again for our salvation. Please hear me right now father, through Christ Jesus our Lord who lives and reigns with you in unity of the Holy Ghost you are one God, now and forever and ever….Amen.


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