Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fasting and Praying 14/40

Day fourteen: God; thy father thank you for sending your only Begotten Son too die on the cross for my sins a debt I can never pay. Your Anointed One was pierced for my rebellious acts, crushed for my sins and his punishment has brought me everlasting love, joy and peace and by his stripes I healed. My Heavenly Host, I thank you for the blood of Christ. I cover myself, family, children, Grand children and everyone I know with your precious blood. I cover my automobile, home, finances and my writing ministry with the blood of Christ.

Satan; I cancel your assignments and your evil powers casting you back to hell where you belong. Luke 10:19 gives me the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy; and nothing will harm me. I lose in the name of the Lamb of God, all God’s plans for my children, Grand children, family, myself and friends and everyone around me to be anointed with the Holy Spirit. No weapon formed against us will prosper. I lose your super-natural powers to take control right now Lord. I apply the blood of Jesus in every circumstance and in any situation in my life, family, children grand children, friends and anyone in my presence right now Lord. I receive healing by faith according to your word with your stripes I am healed. I accept your love, joy and peace in Jesus name. Amen

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